Frequently Asked Questions
- May I buy xxx amount of boxes directly from you?
- Unfortunately we are unable to sell direct to consumers. If you are unable to find our products in your local market, you may request that they carry them. You may also contact us and we can give you information on store locations that carry our products.
- Where are you located?
- We are located in New York, USA.
- I am a new/existing company that wants to carry your product, where do I begin?
- You may contact Martha @ Martha[at]
- Do you sell worldwide?
- Yes, you can find our products in several different countries. If you are a business and are located outside the USA and want to sell our product, please contact Martha @ Martha[at]
Contact Information

Product Information & Ordering
+1 718 922 0233Information:
+1 718 922 0233Orders:
+1 407 344 4163FAX:
Technical Support
Please include the following when contacting us:
Please include your name, contact phone number, address, business name, and reason for contact.